This is just another day to test my character
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Where Would We Be Without a Running Partner?
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Do I Know You?
Starvation had set in. That is what prompted us to find food at the nearest possible location. When I walked to the counter to pay for our food, a Hispanic girl with kind eyes and a warming smile waited for me at the counter, but right next to her was a boisterous guy beckoning me to his cash register. He was funny and we had clearly made eye contact, so I felt compelled to go to his register instead. But as soon as I move over, I notice the kind girl had also moved over to join in the conversation. She knew who I was. She asked if I still was working at Edwin Markham Elementary School.. I struggled to remember her. Nothing was familiar about her. I was certain she wasn't a past student of mine and instead must know me because she had seen me at the school and was in the Bilingual program there.
She then went on to tell me how good my son Nate did at track this year. She even told me about specific runs she had seen him in. I'm surprised that I still don't know her, when clearly we have been at the same running events. Then she comments about how well my daughter did last year on her graduation speech as the valedictorian. I was blown away. At this point, I want to know who she is. Who is this young lady who pays such close attention to others and makes them feel known? I ask her to remind me of her name, It is Joseline. I thought maybe the name would trigger a memory, but it doesn't. The one thing I know is that this girl's observation skills are stellar.
I begin wondering about her. What had propelled her to engage in conversation with me? I really didn't know her. Yet, she made the effort to go to the other register, when I didn't even go to hers to have this conversation with me. After a comment or two and I didn't have anything to say, she didn't let the conversation drop, she continued to tell me more about the good things she had seen my children do. And then the part of feeling known, why did that make me feel so good? There was nothing really special about us to take notice of and yet she had and she wanted me to know that we mattered. That we were seen and we were known.
I left in wonderment of Joseline. I wanted to be more like her. One who notices others and then makes the effort to reach out and sprinkle kind words that leaves the other party feeling blessed by the encounter.
Several days later, still thinking about this encounter, I looked up the meaning of her name and found it meant happy, joyful. She was indeed living up to her name perfectly.
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Good Thoughts = Good Day
I had just finished reading a book. (Bonds that Set Us Free by C. Terry Warner- in case you want to read it.) There were many, many pages, like over 500. I fell asleep 3 different times trying to finish it. Not because it was boring, it's just long. And after reading it, I discovered one of the most important themes was this phrase: Listen to your conscience and then immediately act on it.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Next thing I remember is the bike crashing, my leg caught behind the tire and going down full on it. My body landing on the exhaust pipe. Did I mention I was wearing my favorite OU jersey? Yeah, it melted. My leg that was caught on the tire, took the full brunt of the incident, with tire tracks embedded on it. Bruises on my stomach and legs but the absolute worse- my pride. Yes, I went from glorious to ridiculous in two seconds and lucky for me it was all caught on video. The family has only replayed it over and over, reeling in laughter each time. And to think we will have that footage for generations to come.
Hmmm. What do I learn from all of this. It can't be pride goeth before the fall. I mean that was a side lesson of the deal. But what I really learned was to finish. I came so close to finishing that ride in glory, but I made one fatal error by forgetting to turn off the bike.
This life is a ride and there are moments just like this one when we get distracted or get caught up in ourselves. Unfortunately when we lose sight of where we are going and what we are doing,other forces in the world take over and we will go down. Sometimes taking others with us, who may follow in our footsteps. We must be focused in our journey, remember what we are doing and where we are headed and endeavoring to take all the steps that will get us back to our Father in Heaven.
This life can be a good one, yes there will be the learning curve and there will be moments out of our control, but if we follow the rules ( keep the commandments) we will avoid the major pitfalls.
To my fellow travelers of life- remember who you are... you are beloved children of a Heavenly King and don't lose sight of where you are going.. back to Him. Let's follow Him to the end and finish this ride in glory.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Every day, especially the bad ones, we just need to pause for a minute and take a breath and maybe another, but not too many because you got things to do, but stop and think about the good. Think about the blessings. Count at least 5 that happened that day. Even on my worst days, I could still find five things to be grateful for.
And today the blessing I count is my Dad. He passed away 5 years ago today. I'm so thankful for the time I had with him. My life has been immeasurably blessed because of him. In previous years when I got to this day, sadness would creep in and tears would fall. But this year, I look back and am just thankful I had him in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better Dad. Yes, there are still tears and yes I still need him, but undeniably gratitude is the overarching feeling in my heart.
On the very bad day that I had this week, I remember walking by Christmas decorations in the store. Usually those trinkets are just reminders of all the shopping and exhaustion that are coming my way and cause me to cringe, avert my eyes, turn my cart and run. But instead of doing that, a thought of my Dad came and how he would have looked at these decorations and gotten excited, probably would have gone home and put on Christmas music and lit the firecplace. I smiled. The thought of him was the greatest blessing I counted that day. Thank you Lord for giving me my Dad and for all the memories of him that I still get to cherish.
May we go forward in the battle of life counting our blessings, naming them one by one and may we be grateful for what the Lord has done
Sunday, October 18, 2015
They Cared- and it showed.
The last time I witnessed this phenomenon was 32 years ago at my Grandma's funeral, which took place in the same country town. I didn't expect to see people still pull over to show they cared in this day and age, where everyone is in a rush to get to where they need to be. Tears streamed down my face with each driver I saw pulled over, most of them in pick up trucks.
I thought about my own life and how busy it is, every time I get in a car I'm in a hurry. I have places to go and things to do. These people did too and yet, they still pulled over to show they cared and I felt it deeply. My brother and I wept as we passed vehicle after vehicle pulled over to the side of the road to pay their respects. They didn't know my Grandpa and they didn't know us, but that didn't stop them from feeling for what we were going through.
It made me look inward. Was I that kind of person? Do I put others first? Do I stop when someone is in need? Do I notice the person behind me and keep the door open for them? Do I observe others and their daily struggles and do something that shows I care?
I realized my personal struggle to reach out to others was one of fear. I feared I wouldn't say the right thing, or that they would reject my help and I would feel dumb or I would do something that offended them or they would cling on to me so tightly they would suck the life out of me. So to be many instances... I did nothing. But I learned doing nothing helps no one. We have to step out of our comfort zone and step into the shoes of another and feel what they are feeling to know better how to help each other.
My heart was touched over and over with the kind gestures I witnessed with my Grandpa's passing. The flowers sent by loved ones, seeing my cousins Scott/ Carolyn & Karen's name made me cry. It wasn't their Grandpa who died, but that didn't stop them from showing they cared. My friends, Julie and Debbie who drove from OKC to be there, it wasn't convenient they had to hurry back to their jobs right after the funeral, but they came anyway to pay their respects. To the ward members, friends, Edna Mae, & the senior missionary couple who stopped by and brought meals- it meant a lot. To my Mom, cousins and siblings, they all had to take time off work, make arrangements for their families while they were gone, not to mention the cost, they still came. And I cried when I heard about my cousin Susan who came and spent the last days with him, playing her guitar and singing by his bedside. And my cousin Liz who couldn't come but spent hours writing the most beautiful and fitting eulogy for Grandpa. And to Steve, who spent the week at his sister's to give us his house so we could all be together. And to the one arm bandit- a famous cousin who performs the rodeo circuit, who stopped by from his busy schedule to come over and make us laugh and celebrate life. They cared and I know it... because they showed it. May I do likewise.