Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Where Would We Be Without a Running Partner?

So I had made a goal back in January that I would run a half marathon with Nate in 2024.  I had a whole year to plan, train, and execute this goal.  But life happens and time speeds on by. So, Duane brings up the idea, "Why don't you do your own half marathon?  I could make you medals, you can run around the orchard." 

I like that idea, I don't have to travel or stress about my time like in a real race.  I can just run whenever.  And that easy peasy half marathon idea made me think I'm going to do that.  Only time got away from me. It was now December 30th.  I couldn't believe I hadn't run a half marathon with Nate. Nate had accomplished the half marathon though.  In his training for cross country, he had run over 13 miles around the orchard, just like Dad had suggested.  But not me, what the heck was I doing?  I don't know, but it wasn't running.  

 So it's Dec. 30 as mentioned, but something is glaring at me through the window.. is that the sun?   This doesn't happen most days in winter in the Tri-cities. Then I went outside, Huh it wasn't windy either.  Wait, what was the temperature?  I go and check the weather station. Yeah, being married to an orchardist means we have perks like multiple weather stations in our house. I can know the temp, wind speed, and barometric pressure any time of the day. I check the temp- 47 degrees.  No way.  A thought starts materializing.  I could run a half marathon today.  Not around the farm, it's muddy and potholed thanks to the outrageous amount of rain, but along the river there is a walkway for miles.  I could go there.  I think I can do this.  I mean I haven't trained, but I do work out on the daily, surely those HIIT and stationary bike workouts with 3 lb weights  have trained me for moments like this. " Ummm, don't think about it.. just do it."

 So I do, I  jump in running clothes and take off driving towards the river. As I'm driving, I realize I have no water stations along the way.  "Oh man planning your own race is not easy. " I call to get Nate to bring me water at the turn around point of my run, he and Dad agree to meet me there.  As I pull into the park  and open the car door what greets me is a gust of bone chilling wind. Ugh! I didn't wear enough layers, just a light jacket that clearly the wind just charged right through.   But I remind myself," Running makes you warmer, running makes you warmer... just keep running." I soon notice that the course changes directions and  the wind is not hitting me full on, it is a side swipe. God is good.

The plan was to run to the cable bridge and turn around, but at the blue bridge I come upon a man made homeless shelter and a man is waiting under the bridge staring at me.  This feels uncomfortable.  I run faster.  As I pass him, he turns and follows me. This feels even more uncomfortable.  I find another gear and run even faster. Pretty sure I can't keep up this pace.  Then up ahead I see another homeless looking man.  It's here I make an executive decision, I need to turn around. I need to get away from these potential crime scenes with no witnesses.  So I run around the light pole like that was my plan all along and hightail it back the other way.  Yes, I had to run by the first homeless looking guy again, but as I pass a new feature stands out, he's limping.  I'm feeling pretty good about my odds.   It is here I call Duane and Nate to let them know I am turning around because of the sketchy area. They ask, " Are you by the cable bridge? "

"Yeah." So Duane sends Nate out to run some water to me.   I keep running expecting to see Nate at any minute, but I don't.  His words keep replaying in my head, "Are you by the cable bridge?"   

" Wait... I am NOT by the cable bridge, I turned around at the Blue Bridge."  Oh my goodness! I try calling Nate, no answer, so I just text " Blue bridge." I run on for another couple of miles before I hear fast feet pounding the pavement behind me.  It's Nate, he went 3 miles further than expected to find me. He didn't get the text about the bridge, he left his phone and the last words he heard were I'm in a sketchy place, so he was glad to see he still had a mom who was alive.

 As we ran he talked about how Dad was going to meet up with us and Nate was really looking forward to grabbing his sweatshirt, since he was decked out in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. But miscommunication happened, Duane went to another spot saw  Nate already running past and figured he was  good and left.  To Nate's credit, he didn't even mention the discomfort until the last half mile where he said things like, " I wish I had gotten my sweatshirt out." and "My hands are cold." and "This has to be the longest amount of time I have ever ran going the fewest amount of miles." 

In every aspect this was a real sacrifice for him. He had already run his half marathon, he was freezing, he had plans with his friends he forewent to run with me, and he was still carrying the sloshing water bottle for me to drink from that he never even drank out of.  Everything he did was a sacrifice for me to finish my goal...and  together we did.  We finished that half marathon just as the sun was setting. 

 I watched as he tried to warm up in the car. I was drawn to his raw, red hands, the part of his body most exposed and taking the hardest hit.  And it made me think of another's hands.  Ones that had nail prints.  That have sacrificed the most for me.  Christ had already performed the atonement to pay for all of us, but yet he still runs by our side in our struggles and offers us water when we thirst.  He helps us learn the lessons of life at our pace, probably wishing we could learn them faster to shorten the suffering we go through.  But whatever choices we make, He is there if we will turn to Him, He will run the race of life with us.  He will suffer with us, strengthen us and encourage us to keep going and help us make it to the end.  

I'm so thankful for my son and his Christlike example on that run and I'm thankful for the one who is Always the Example, the one running beside me every day of my life.  He is the one who offers water when I thirst and wisdom where I lack and strength to pick me up after a fall and love at all times.

There is no doubt in my mind if we just keep running, we are going to make it to the end, because we got one heck of a running partner.



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